I have crossed another state line, Minnesota or (MIN-NA-SO-DA) as any good Yankee would pronounce it, making sure to use ever possible syllable (in the south we would just run it all together for simplicity sake). I saw a sign just before I decided to set up camp for the night that said I was about 20 miles from the town of Worthington. I got through Sioux Falls unhurt, but I was just lucky or maybe it was all that praying I did, I will chose to believe the latter. I heard gun shots as I came into town. I was up on the highway, contemplating if I wanted to walk into town and see if I could pick up more supplies when I heard shots. I eased down into a ditch and perk up my ears. It sounded like a gang on the hunt. Some kind of dispute over who own the rights to a store. A store I guess they were trying to loot or protect from looting or something like that. But what ever it was, there was for sure a stand off using guns which meant I did not want any part of it. After all mankind has been through, he still chooses violence when faced with a decision on how to relate to another human being. John said it best; “give peace a chance”. What ever was in that store is not worth another human life. God will we ever learn? It looks doubtful…… I decided to stay put until dark and walk on through town at night. With no lights and the moon under clouds I was able make it to the other side of town unnoticed. For once I’m some what thankful for our new dark age.
We have been plunged into the new dark ages (as some have called it). Reme

mber the old saying never put all your eggs into one basket; it has been around for a
long time. Wisdom from past generations, it puzzles me how we never learn. Remember the turn of the century; when everyone thought all those computers were going to shut down, because it could not read 2000 or the date could not turn from 1999 to 2000 with out starting over….something like that (I can’t remember, it has been so long ago). At any rate people thought it was going to be the end and all the computers would crash, but nothing happen. So we went on and continued to digitize the world. Everything went digital, all our documentation (we called it going paperless, the green thing to do), communications (radio, TV, satellite), pictures, music, we digitized everything. Everything was on computers, all our information reduced down to a binary code. When that was not enough we also decided to tag things with digital information. That way we could keep up with stuff and the tags would have all the information we would need to keep track of whatever. Everything from what you bought at the store to what your car was doing at any given moment (cars were even emailing people to tell them when to change the oil), it all was tagged. All these tags were talking to computers through radio frequency all over the world. It was progress and progress is good right? We (you and I), have often thought about how mankind became so advanced in the last 150 years when he has been on the planet for thousand upon thousand of years, why so many leaps forward in such a short period of time. Less than two hundred years ago we are reading by fire light and then the electric light is turn on and we explode with new technology. Why? I don’t know and I don’t have the answers, I just know that when man tries to build a tower towards heaven, he soon will be in for a humbling experience.
One of the biggest falls in that long line of falls during The Effect was the
RFID Virus. It spread so quickly and to

ok down so much; no one could recover from it in time. It was our fault; we had to have all that information, everything, at our fingertips. All that information we could not live with out. We could not be satisfied with tagging just things; we had to tag ourselves as well. It started when we tag pets (just to keep track of them in case they got lost), then we tag livestock and finely people. We were sold on how simple everything would be if we had the chip. There was talk of it becoming a law that everyone had to be tagged. But there was no need people were lining up for it. Just a simple visit to the Doctor and that was that (most credit card companies were even paying for you to have it done). It was s

uppose to have all your information (medical history, social security number, bank and credit card information, everything) on this little innocent chip just under your skin.
Then you could go to any store, a computer would scan
the tags on your purchases and the tag in you, deduct the amount from your checking account (or charge it to you credit card if you wish) and you would not even have to slow down as you leave the store, how great it that? We would soon find out……..
I can not write any more tonight, thinking about this is too painful. I’m tired, hungry and I’m out of food. I was hoping to get stocked up in Sioux Falls but that did not turn out as planed. I have been looking for a store at the exits, but I have not found much. It won’t be the first time I have gone to sleep hungry and it won’t be the last…………..
Go to Day 967