So, past self this is to you, cherish your life now, for as you read on you will see your end of days will not be what you expected…….
Remember when you use to go on those family trips back in the sixties. Every year for many years Mom, Dad and their friends and you would go on those see America trips. You saw every state out the window of your dad’s new Pontiac Catalina. Well me, (your older self) decided to spend his last days on this planet, doing the same thing once again, but this time on foot. I have been walking for over two and a half years. Walking the desolate highways, side roads and trails of this once great nation, seeing what’s left seeing all I can with these old eyes of mine. I just was tired of sitting and waiting to die, I had nothing left, nothing more to lose. So I just pack up and left, carrying only what I could and using my old walking stick to steady myself. I was weak and to old for such a trip. Maybe so, but you would be surprise how quick you get stronger when you walk all the time and every effort is put into just surviving. You would find that hard to believe now, because you’re fat and content and have it all. I know, I know you think you have had it hard, but you’re in the prime so don’t waist it, don’t be content. Because it can all disappear in the wink of an eye. The land you live in now has plenty and is wasting plenty. Too much leads too much greed, and greed will lead to a great fall. I wish I could tell you how long it has been since the Great Fall. But I don’t remember, I don’t keep up with time much any more, just days. Time is kind of irre

Enough of that did not mean to scare you. It’s just too much has happen to write about it all tonight. I’m tired now; think I’ll have my latest can of what ever. Can food, great idea, it can survive any thing. There is still plenty of food out there you just got to know where to look. At first I got a lot of can food from the old mega stores, but there slim pickens now. So I just find what I can’s I can (sorry for the pun) and make them last as long as I can (sorry I can’t stop). You got to have a since of humor, it serve you well back then and you will need it now. More to come, later on down the road…………….
Go to day 947