So many towards the end ran to the big cities when the jump became so wide spread. They were just looking for a cure, but no one was working on one, no government, no CDC, no one. It mutated so fast, we would hear about one species of animals getting sick and it would jump to another and then finely humans. The jump was one of the last straws in a line of many disasters. It killed most of the livestock and that disrupted the food chain even more. It has been hard for those that tried to

No one thing caused the world I live in today to be like it is. It was a series of events. A domino effect, one fall, then another an another. You can see the start of it, if you will open your eyes. Look for the signs of the times to come, pay attention to the signs!
For now, after my visit in town I am well stock up. I also found plenty of duck tape. It can repair almost any thing, from a lose sole on my shoe to a rip in my backpack. I was hoping to find some new shoes, but they did not have my size. I was able to fine a bicycle tire and some tubing to make another pull sled. One of my better inventions. I fashion a carry all of such that is made by fixing a tire to on end of some v shape tubing that I attached to my shoulder straps, the whole thing is behind me as I pull it along. Then I can carry more supplies on a sling I put between the tubing. This counter balances the weight and the tire rolls along keeping me from having to drag dead weight. Plenty of cans and water makes for a heavy load. But I can drop it all when I get in a part of the country were the exits are not so far apart. I thought North Dakota was desolate last year but south may have it beat. I will be passing though Mitchell tomorrow and back on I-90 and my tire will roll better on pavement. I came up on some abandon train cars so I’m spending the night here and will listen to the wind blow all night I guess. It's a ghostly sound, the wind howling at night, like Hendrix once wrote "will the wind ever remember the names it has blown in the past". But this box car will provide better shelter than my tent could at any rate.

I have had to live alone at different times, traveling , or just trying to keep a job. I never did like or get use to being by myself. Most of my life was spent trying to keep my head above water all because of a system of greed we had set up in this world. Now my curse is to walk this earth alone......I wish some how I really could get a message back to myself…..I wish………
Go to day 956