My days of being alone and not seeing any one has ended. As I walk along I-90 about 20 miles out side of Mitchell, I saw something way out in the distance

(you can see for miles upon miles in this part of the country). What ever it was, was on the west bound side of the highway and was keeping a straight course, so I decided it could not be an animal. I pull my rifle from the holster under my backpack and chambered a round and click the hammer back to the safety position. I carry a sawed off 35 caliber marlin, the butt stock has been hollowed out for weight and I have installed a custom lever action (yes that’s right I still have it, the gun your Brother gave you after you killed those three dear in one day, but I have made a few more changes to it). I carry it for protection (and hunting when I can find clean game); it seems to make enough of an impression on people that I have rarely had to use it (so far). As this thing traveling towards me got closer I realized it was someone on a bicycle. Then when it got in plain view I discovered it was two people (a man and a woman) on a tandem bicycle with a trailer being pulled behind it. They came to a stop on the other side of the highway and we stared at each other across the medium. This went on for what seem like several minutes (I guess they were as shock to see me as I was them). I had my rifle in my right hand (pointing toward the ground) and my walking stick in the other. Finely the silence was broken by the man. Friend? He said. Then I said; that’s up to you, but you will find no violence in me unless you plan any. He got off of his bicycle and extended his hand as he walk across the medium, I stood still and laid my rifle down (as a gesture) and offered my hand as well when he got closer (but I kept my glove on until I could get a good look at his skin). It turn out that they are very friendly and seem normal. Since it was late in the day I offered to set up camp under the bridge that crossed over the highway a few hundred yards back so we could get to know each other.
They say they are from Canada and are headed towards southern California for no other reason than they wanted to see the ocean and maybe start over there. They have a funny accent and speck French to each other (which I find kind of annoying and rude) so they must be from around Quebec, but they have not said as much. He does most of the talking and maybe she does not speck enough English to feel c
omfortable talking to me. I’m sure I am quite a sight and smell to boot, but I can’t help it. But they have been nice and friendly to me and even shared a meal with me. Eggs they had eggs, they were powered, but If I closed my eyes and squinted just right they almost look like the real thing (of coarse they did not taste like it), it was a nice change. I brought out for the occasion my last can of potted meat (
they ask if the date was old enough and I assured them it was) and we had a feast fit for a king (a king of a broke third world country).
They asked me if I had been to California and I told them I was there about four months ago. He also asked what I thought about settling there and I told them that it depended on the area. Most of the forest has been burnt, (with no one to put out the
wild fires) and the sea winds are kind of bad on cretin parts of the coast, but I assured them they would be able to find a spot. I ask why they left Canada and the woman hung her head (so I know she can understands me). To forget he said, and a silence fell on our little feast, I can certainly understand the need to forget.
Now they are in their tent and I in mine. I hear them whispering and I wonder what it’s about. I don’t think they mean any harm, but I have thought that before and had it not turn out so pleasant. I will keep the rifle close and try not sleep so soundly tonight. It must be nice to have someone to talk to on regular bases. I get tired of mumbling to myself. I will see what happens in the morning, but it would be nice to visit some more and get to know each other a little. I think they look to be in there early forties or late thirties, so they must have just been starting out as a couple when it all started. At lest I lived most of my life in a normal world (that we all took for granted). What do I know, they could have just met and decide to go to California to shack up and get away from who ever. There I go thinking the worst of people, just habit. Someone once tried to teach me to see only the good in people (and through her eyes I could). I still want to see the good in this world, and the day is coming soon when I will again see goodness once more in the next world…I long for that day, but I will walk until then, walk towards the Son…………
Go to day 959