This is a story about an old man walking his way through one possible future. I started this story in blog format and new posts were added as the man walked through out the country. But now the story is finished. So in the interested of anyone who would like to read it I have changed it so you can read it in the proper order. Once you click to the start “945 days and counting” just follow the “Go TO’s” (at the end of each post) and it will lead you to the end. To check out what I used to back up any of the things that happen in the story click on the hyperlinks that are threaded within the story. As well as the picture you see on the side; each one pertains to certain parts of the story as it progresses.
The future is coming it gets closer every day, are you ready, do you know all that could happen. We were made to be stewards of a world that was balance perfectly. But WE and our selfish way of life have upset that balance and the world is changing. There may still be time……We can not change the past, but the future is within our grasp!
945 days and Counting
I have tried to write before, but I get frustrated and tear it up. Who wants to hear what I have to say (as if anyone could read it), after all it’s to late now. I have lived to long and seen too much…..much more that I ever thought I would. I must some how get it out of me, purge my brain of it all, before my end. I have often wished I could send a note back to my younger self, as a warning. But I don’t know if I would listen or could do anything. After all I was a nobody, just one of the millions upon millions that use to live in this land. So I have decided I would write my little dairy of such, as if I was writing it to my self long ago.
So, past self this is to you, cherish your life now, for as you read on you will see your end of days will not be what you expected…….
Remember when you use to go on those family trips back in the sixties. Every year for many years Mom, Dad and their friends and you would go on those see America trips. You saw every state out the window of your dad’s new Pontiac Catalina. Well me, (your older self) decided to spend his last days on this planet, doing the same thing once again, but this time on foot. I have been walking for over two and a half years. Walking the desolate highways, side roads and trails of this once great nation, seeing what’s left seeing all I can with these old eyes of mine. I just was tired of sitting and waiting to die, I had nothing left, nothing more to lose. So I just pack up and left, carrying only what I could and using my old walking stick to steady myself. I was weak and to old for such a trip. Maybe so, but you would be surprise how quick you get stronger when you walk all the time and every effort is put into just surviving. You would find that hard to believe now, because you’re fat and content and have it all. I know, I know you think you have had it hard, but you’re in the prime so don’t waist it, don’t be content. Because it can all disappear in the wink of an eye. The land you live in now has plenty and is wasting plenty. Too much leads too much greed, and greed will lead to a great fall. I wish I could tell you how lon
g it has been since the Great Fall. But I don’t remember, I don’t keep up with time much any more, just days. Time is kind of irrelevant, there is no place to be, no place to be late getting to. I could tell you the year when it started, but that would be kind of be like seeing what’s in the wrapped up present. But this is no gift you want to open. It was Pandora’s Box. Once open, no one could put humpty dumpty back together again.

Enough of that did not mean to scare you. It’s just too much has happen to write about it all tonight. I’m tired now; think I’ll have my latest can of what ever. Can food, great idea, it can survive any thing. There is still plenty of food out there you just got to know where to look. At first I got a lot of can food from the old mega stores, but there slim pickens now. So I just find what I can’s I can (sorry for the pun) and make them last as long as I can (sorry I can’t stop). You got to have a since of humor, it serve you well back then and you will need it now. More to come, later on down the road…………….
End of Days
So much has happened and I’m not sure I understand it all but I wanted to write it down for I feel this will be the end of my notes. I awoke to find myself in my own bed, jus
t as I remember it. My vision was blurry at first and then it cleared. When it did I was surrounded by my sons, their wives and family. I asked one of my sons (who was the closest to me); “is this heaven?” “No Dad its home” he responded. I said; “you know son, it might be one in the same”! He hug me as if I had been gone a long time, they a
ll did. We talked and laugh and it was just like old times. It was a party, the best kind of party, with all the family around.
Later my sons and I had some time alone and we talked. I told them about where I had been and all that I had done, they got a strange look on their face and I asked them why. Finely one of them spoke up, “Dad I hate to correct you but you already told us this story a long time ago. You wrote it down; don’t you remember?” I said; your mistaken I never wrote any thing like this before; because it just happened over the last three years. How could I have made up such a story…..I’m telling you, I never…..” Okay Dad, please don’t get upset we believe you. After all I could be mistaken because it was over forty years ago; towards the end of the first decade, I think.” They all seemed too agreed on this. “What year is it”; I asked. "2051" one of them answered. The year sounds about right; I thought to myself. “I must have done it”; I caught my self saying. “Done what?” They asked. But I did not respond, how I could explain. After all It must be alright now, I mean the lights are on, everything looks the same, some how……….

It was then another familiar face walk through the door, it was HOPE! She ran over to the bed and jumped up on it and gave me a big hug. I blurted out; “Hope your alright”. "I told you Gran-B, everything is alright now, you just had to come home.” She said, with a big smile on her face. “It sure is and you were right, you were right.” I said; as I kissed her on her cheek. The rest of the day she never left my side. She stayed with me as each of my grand children and all my family and I visited. And of coarse there was plenty of food and we ate, boy did we eat (food is so much better when it’s not in a can).
This had to be the best day ever, but I felt it was coming to an end. Because my wife was motioning to me it was time to go. I did not understand why we had to leave such a fine party, but she held out her hand and I will follow her
any where. She looked so good, just like I remember her, it looked as if she was wearing her wedding dress, in fact she looked just like she did the day I married her.
I whispered in Hopes ear and told her I had to go (if I’m not mistaken I think I saw a tear in her eye). I asked her to do one last thing for me; she nodded her head as I gave her my instructions. She said she understood and would do what I asked. I told her not to worry, it won’t be long and we will all be together again. My Sons and I hugged one last time as I got ready to go; I told each and everyone of my family how much I love them as we said our good byes. For it was getting dark and my wife insisted we go. So I write this down for you my past self and for any who will read it. You can change the past; but just incase, hold on to the future don’t let it slip from your grasp.
Now, I will take the hand of my bride, we are going home………
Go to Another Point of View..........

Later my sons and I had some time alone and we talked. I told them about where I had been and all that I had done, they got a strange look on their face and I asked them why. Finely one of them spoke up, “Dad I hate to correct you but you already told us this story a long time ago. You wrote it down; don’t you remember?” I said; your mistaken I never wrote any thing like this before; because it just happened over the last three years. How could I have made up such a story…..I’m telling you, I never…..” Okay Dad, please don’t get upset we believe you. After all I could be mistaken because it was over forty years ago; towards the end of the first decade, I think.” They all seemed too agreed on this. “What year is it”; I asked. "2051" one of them answered. The year sounds about right; I thought to myself. “I must have done it”; I caught my self saying. “Done what?” They asked. But I did not respond, how I could explain. After all It must be alright now, I mean the lights are on, everything looks the same, some how……….

It was then another familiar face walk through the door, it was HOPE! She ran over to the bed and jumped up on it and gave me a big hug. I blurted out; “Hope your alright”. "I told you Gran-B, everything is alright now, you just had to come home.” She said, with a big smile on her face. “It sure is and you were right, you were right.” I said; as I kissed her on her cheek. The rest of the day she never left my side. She stayed with me as each of my grand children and all my family and I visited. And of coarse there was plenty of food and we ate, boy did we eat (food is so much better when it’s not in a can).
This had to be the best day ever, but I felt it was coming to an end. Because my wife was motioning to me it was time to go. I did not understand why we had to leave such a fine party, but she held out her hand and I will follow her

I whispered in Hopes ear and told her I had to go (if I’m not mistaken I think I saw a tear in her eye). I asked her to do one last thing for me; she nodded her head as I gave her my instructions. She said she understood and would do what I asked. I told her not to worry, it won’t be long and we will all be together again. My Sons and I hugged one last time as I got ready to go; I told each and everyone of my family how much I love them as we said our good byes. For it was getting dark and my wife insisted we go. So I write this down for you my past self and for any who will read it. You can change the past; but just incase, hold on to the future don’t let it slip from your grasp.
Now, I will take the hand of my bride, we are going home………
Go to Another Point of View..........
Day 1110
I chose to walk the path by the lake to the house, I don’t think I could bear to walk that road or look down it. The lake has risen quite a bit, with no
one to work the dam I guess the water is backed up. The abandon boats at the dock have not moved nor have they sunk, so I guess no storms have upset them (except for that one that washed ashore). The water has reached all the way up to the shop; I guess I should have not built it so close to the lake. But it was such a nice view, I could not resist. It has been so many years since I used any of the
power tools, there all rusted now (and of coarse the water and dampness did not help). I use to enjoy building stuff out here but that was long ago, when the power went out I did nothing out there but repair work on ours and the kid’s stuff, what little I could do with hand tools. If all the other had not happen I’m sure I could have adapted to making things with out the aid of electricity, but the point soon became moot.
As I walked around the house before I went in I looked down the road. I can still see them as if it was yesterday. My sons disappearing out of site as they walked out into the unknown. It was their idea, something they wanted to
do for their mom. It was supposed to be a present for her, but she was afraid for them; we all were. But they insisted; so the day came and they said good bye too their wives and children and left to find out what happen to their brother. It was the most unselfish act I have ever witness. I promised them I would keep their families safe, but it would be a promise I would fail to keep. They walked down that road and we never saw them again……
Months crawled by and we waited. Then a year passed, we still had hope. But into the next year, hope was hard to hold on to, that’s when we were invaded. We tired to keep a low profile out in the country by the lake. I told the older ones and the teenagers to be careful going into town. But they became naive and trusting and would not listen to the old man or their mothers. One day they brought a family back from town, a man, his wife and their three children. They were hungry and we had enough to share. The kids were just trying to do they right thing, how were they to know how sick that family was. The jump took everyone I loved in less than three months and I was all alone. My wife was the last to go, she should have never had to see all her family die, she did not deserve that. Like always though, she gave all she had until the end. The most Christ like person I ever knew, I miss her more with every day that passes.
When I walked west that first year, I looked through out north Mississippi for my son’s. I walked the path I thought they might have taken. I walked all the way to my Sons house; no on was there. It looked as if they pack up and left. Maybe the two boys made it and they were all on their way back. I thought for awhile I might find them one day when I walked the south…..but I never did. Then it got were I just avoided going through north Mississippi…..maybe part of me did not want to know. It looks as if they never made it back home, so maybe they never knew I let them down.
I sit alone in this empty house as I write my final words. Now I will wait; my head has gotten much worst and it is hard to stop the bleeding. I feel very weak and those last miles home I thought at any moment would be my last. I have had a lot of time to think these last few years all alone, some might say I thought too much about stuff. But what else did I have to do. If I could sum it
all up it would be this. As human beings we kept looking for the big bad, the monster over the hill, the Antichrist the one that would destroy us all so we could point a finger and say there is the reason, he’s the one to blame. And if all else failed we blamed God, the buck always stopped with Him. But the truth was we were to blame, we were the Antichrist, we turned our backs and continued down our selfish road to destruction, completely opposite of what Christ taught. We failed to look in the mirror at the real monster. Christ came and lived the most unselfish life and then his final act was to give this life for us all. This was our example, this was GOD. But we were too blind to see, to blinded by this world to worry about the next. To blind to have faith, the key to the door home. Our blindness led to our own destruction. I spent most of my life standing on the promise of faith. I was not a very good man, but I was forgiven; because I asked. It did not exclude me from a life of hell at times, but my time was short here compared to the eternity that awaits. So…I….look…forward…too…….I…….loo……forw………t………….
Go to End of Days

As I walked around the house before I went in I looked down the road. I can still see them as if it was yesterday. My sons disappearing out of site as they walked out into the unknown. It was their idea, something they wanted to

Months crawled by and we waited. Then a year passed, we still had hope. But into the next year, hope was hard to hold on to, that’s when we were invaded. We tired to keep a low profile out in the country by the lake. I told the older ones and the teenagers to be careful going into town. But they became naive and trusting and would not listen to the old man or their mothers. One day they brought a family back from town, a man, his wife and their three children. They were hungry and we had enough to share. The kids were just trying to do they right thing, how were they to know how sick that family was. The jump took everyone I loved in less than three months and I was all alone. My wife was the last to go, she should have never had to see all her family die, she did not deserve that. Like always though, she gave all she had until the end. The most Christ like person I ever knew, I miss her more with every day that passes.
When I walked west that first year, I looked through out north Mississippi for my son’s. I walked the path I thought they might have taken. I walked all the way to my Sons house; no on was there. It looked as if they pack up and left. Maybe the two boys made it and they were all on their way back. I thought for awhile I might find them one day when I walked the south…..but I never did. Then it got were I just avoided going through north Mississippi…..maybe part of me did not want to know. It looks as if they never made it back home, so maybe they never knew I let them down.
I sit alone in this empty house as I write my final words. Now I will wait; my head has gotten much worst and it is hard to stop the bleeding. I feel very weak and those last miles home I thought at any moment would be my last. I have had a lot of time to think these last few years all alone, some might say I thought too much about stuff. But what else did I have to do. If I could sum it

Go to End of Days
Day 1103
I have lost several days; I have nothing left, no food, no shelter and no protection. Some how (as I was writing the other night) someone came up
behind me and knocked me out. They took everything and left me with nothing but the cloths on my back. I woke up in a field about one hundred yards off I-75 with the sun in my face. I don’t know how long but at best guess it was at least three days. There must have still been people in Chattanooga; I underestimated them, my closeness to the town and danger. There is no way I can go back and recover my rifle or anything else; I would not know were to begin. The rifle had a lot of sentimental value to me; it is one of the few ties to my family, my brother that I had left. My walking stick was the same, it has been in my hand as I walked through out the years with my family; I need it now most of all to steady me these last miles home. If I make it.
I had about 70 miles left on my journey home. I have walked the past few days at a very slow pace, looking for enough supplies to get me home. My head is still bleeding and the beating I took left me limping. I don’t know what satisfaction they got from beating up on an old man, but it has left me very sore. How I survived, I don’t understand. With all that I have been through I should have been dead long ago. It is like a cruel joke; how could an old man out live all his family and be left complete
ly alone? My family; I let my son’s down, I let my wife down…..maybe a knock in the head is what I deserve for writing down all those buried memories.
Here I sit in another old abandon store, I should be gathering up supplies, but instead I am writing on this old spiral noteboo
k like I’m writing a letter to someone. I started out writing all this to my past self. I have left these notes all over the country like bread crumbs of my past life. I can’t explain why, I can’t see what good it does, but yet I keep on writing. Am I insane, or have I been dead these last three years and this is my hell. I’m tired of all these questions, I will sleep now and tomorrow I will walk some more what other choice do I have….
Go to Day 1110

I had about 70 miles left on my journey home. I have walked the past few days at a very slow pace, looking for enough supplies to get me home. My head is still bleeding and the beating I took left me limping. I don’t know what satisfaction they got from beating up on an old man, but it has left me very sore. How I survived, I don’t understand. With all that I have been through I should have been dead long ago. It is like a cruel joke; how could an old man out live all his family and be left complete

Here I sit in another old abandon store, I should be gathering up supplies, but instead I am writing on this old spiral noteboo

Go to Day 1110
Day 1097
“See Rock City”….. A
s a boy I saw these signs all over the south. Painted on barn roofs, bill boards and
even bird houses. I remember as a child holding my mothers hand as we climbed up the mountain where you can see seven states (not that I would know if I could have seen them). I’m in Chattanooga, the end of Tennessee and the beginning of north Georgia and the foot hills of the smoky mountains. A beautiful area, now a waist land. The land is still the same, the town is a wreck. It looks as if a wide spread panic took place in this mid size city and war broke out, I have not seen it this bad since Chicago. Burned houses, turn over cars; kind of reminds me of some of the stories the boys told about Atlanta, that is why I never went into the big cities unless I just had no other choice.
Our Sons said they had a real struggle staying alive as they made their way through the suburbs of Atlanta. When the Screams started, panic swept everyone, and it brought out the primal instincts in those that are border lin
e civilized. Even though most of my family listen to my ratings about the implants and did not receive them, they now had to face the darker side of humanity. My sons were not ones to hunt or fish and even though I love the outdoors, I did not see the point in killing game that no one would eat, so I got away from it. Hence they had no guns to defend themselves when all went to hell. So they stayed low and kept there heads down as they searched for each other before they came to us. The stories they told of how people (once they realized what was causing the sudden death of so many) would try and cut the implants out of themselves before they went vira
l. Hospitals turn into war zones (some still had power due to emergency generators) and people tried to siege them and hold doctors at gun point forcing them to take out the RFID. But when the Doctors started dropping dead, it was too late. A human being is smart and can be reason with; a mob of people will do very stupid things when they see no hope. And so for the second time in its history, Atlanta was set on fire and burned (there was no one to stop it from spreading, no firemen, no emergency response). After my sons told me this, I never wanted to see the city again.
In the time that followed after the fall, our life’s changed. I will not be so bold as to sa
y for the better, but some of the changes were nice. I now saw teenagers playing outside, making up games. Little girls playing with dolls, instead of keeping up gossip with their friends on a text device. People talking instead of staring at a TV (like I use to do). Or reading as they sit under a tree while the breeze keeps them cool instead of indoor air conditioning. Cores replaced work; everyone pitched in and did their part. My sons (who worked indoors all their lives) and I now walk through the woods and hunted, but most of all, we talked. Life had become simple again and even though it was forced on us and we would have never done it on our own, that part was a pleasant change. I began to realize, that our life before was a trap. A trap caused by simple lust, we could never have enough we always lusted for more, more conveniences, more stuff. When you say lust, people always think of se
x and sin. But lust is the desire for something you don’t have but want. And our society had gotten to the point, that there was never enough to satisfy, there was always the demand for more. And when you want all the time it leads to greed, and greed corrupts. We were trapped slaves to lust. Some times less is more, I have heard the statement all my life, now it made perfect since.
A year and a half had passed since the day of the reunion. We had survived and were learning more about surviving and living off the land. Wounds and hurts were beginni
ng to heal and we had come to the point of accepting our new way of life. But when we would gather around for our family meal at night and a prayer was offered up, a lump would come in our throats as each member of our other sons family was mention and prayed for by name (by whoever’s turn it was to pray that night). All we wanted was to know what happened and are they safe. Then one day my sons came to me with an idea…………
Go to Day 1103

Our Sons said they had a real struggle staying alive as they made their way through the suburbs of Atlanta. When the Screams started, panic swept everyone, and it brought out the primal instincts in those that are border lin

In the time that followed after the fall, our life’s changed. I will not be so bold as to sa

A year and a half had passed since the day of the reunion. We had survived and were learning more about surviving and living off the land. Wounds and hurts were beginni

Go to Day 1103
Day 1091
After the darkness fell and the screams subsided, came the wait. We made it, we survived but what next………..
When your up in years and your life is in its winter, you learn to be alone. You wa
it for those visits from family, when they have time to spare. They are busy now, each have life’s of their own just like you use to. You long for a phone call; you look out the window on the weekends and sigh as each car passes your driveway knowing once again it was not them. You build a life together, you raise your family, they grow up and have families of there own just like you prayed they would. When you have all boys, they tend to gravitate to their wives family and you see less and less of them, it’s just natural. We had settled into a routine, we had a good life; until the great fall.
It was years in the making, I felt it was c
oming, there were signs that we were on the brink. But still no one took it seriously, no one was prepared. No one thought it would turn out the way it did or was ready for what lay ahead when it happened. The town fell silent, only a small handful survived. We lived about seventy miles from Atlanta near a lake, our retirement home. Two of our sons lived close to the big city, another in Mississippi. My wife was grieving over the fate of our boys and their families. I did not know what to do; I did not know how to comfort her. I was in fair shape for my age, I could have walked to the city and tired to find out, but I could not leave her, her knees would not let her walk that distance. Weeks went by and turned into months. I would walk into town once a week and find food at the abandon stores. She stayed home with that same worried look. What I would not give to see her smile again; her family her sons were everything.
I learn to hunt again; fresh game became part of our diet and there was always fish to catch. I found some seeds at the store and we planed on starting a garden in the spring. On my trips into town I would find books and magazines for her to read, and puzzles for us to put together any thing I could find to take her mind off of the big question. I always enjoyed having her all to myself, but not like this, not when all the ones we loved were out there some where beyond our reach.
I got up early to start the fire; it was another cold day on the lake. We had conv
erted the fire place so we could cook using it. I was out gathering wood when I heard the voices. It sounded like a big group of people headed or way. I ran back into the house and got my rif
le ready. My wife (now awake) sat bolt upright in the bed and started asking questions. I urged her to be quite and we listen as the voices got closer. Then came the bang on the door, we stayed still and quite. Another bang and then came the best sound I had heard in a long time. Mom…. Dad…. are you in there? We rushed to the door and opened it wide to find our two sons and their families. They were alive!
Everyone filled the house and it was home once again. They told us their stories and how they managed to find each other in the all chaos that followed the fall. Not all were happy tales because of family members that did not make it and extended family that was never found. Then my youngest son said; “look, they got food and they can cook over the fi
replace, I told you Dad would know what to do”. My wife (with a smile on her face) and the girls started to prepare some food and my son’s along with their children and I gather wood for the fire, it was a great reunion. In the weeks that followed we began to set up our own community. We went into the other house near by and cleaned them out for the Boys and their families (not a pleasant task given the death toll that surrounded us). And for a season we all lived together and for a time we were happy. But there was still one unanswered question. What about our other son and his family two states away?
I have turned south on I-24 headed towards Chattanooga. I bandage my ear, the pain comes and goes but at night it throbs and keeps me awake. I wish I knew what to do about it, but I’m not a Doctor, I’m just an old man that has already lived to long. The rain and wind have taken most of the leaves from the trees; winter is on its way.

Go to Day 1097
When your up in years and your life is in its winter, you learn to be alone. You wa

It was years in the making, I felt it was c

I learn to hunt again; fresh game became part of our diet and there was always fish to catch. I found some seeds at the store and we planed on starting a garden in the spring. On my trips into town I would find books and magazines for her to read, and puzzles for us to put together any thing I could find to take her mind off of the big question. I always enjoyed having her all to myself, but not like this, not when all the ones we loved were out there some where beyond our reach.
I got up early to start the fire; it was another cold day on the lake. We had conv

Everyone filled the house and it was home once again. They told us their stories and how they managed to find each other in the all chaos that followed the fall. Not all were happy tales because of family members that did not make it and extended family that was never found. Then my youngest son said; “look, they got food and they can cook over the fi

I have turned south on I-24 headed towards Chattanooga. I bandage my ear, the pain comes and goes but at night it throbs and keeps me awake. I wish I knew what to do about it, but I’m not a Doctor, I’m just an old man that has already lived to long. The rain and wind have taken most of the leaves from the trees; winter is on its way.

Go to Day 1097
Day 1087
I have been held up in an abandon box car off the railroad tracks in the small town of Cowan, TN. The small city hall still had a weather worn American flag flying. I respectfully took it down
folded it and placed inside the city hall; from the looks of it no one has been there for some time (no surprise). It always did upset me to see the flag out in the rain. The last few days have been your typical wet southern fall weather. So I’ve stayed put and tried to keep warm. I do not feel like walking in the rain. My head hurts most of the time, I have not been able to find any pharmacies, so I could at least get some aspirin. My ear on the side where I lost my hearing is bleeding. I may have an infection, what I would not give for some antibiotics. I have never been one to take much medication, because of the way the pharmaceutical companies abused deregulation. The advertising of drugs for every symptom in the world got out of hand. Another fine example of greed in this country.

In 1997 it was approved for the prescription drug industry to advertise direct to the consumer and the Genie was let out of the bottle. They could not pray on the worries of all that had the latest disease of the day the hypochondriacs of the world. Every disease had a catchy acronym so you could go to the Doctor and say I got “COPD” or “ADHD” or an
y thing that ends in “D”. I never knew “ED” was such a problem until it was broadcast ever commercial break. We had our war on drugs (illegal drugs) but the pharmaceutical companies were drugging America legally. Disease became like fashion, if you did not have it; you did after you watched a commercial about the symptoms. And the elderly were being over drug to the point they could not afford to eat or pay their heating bills for buying drugs. When someone has to choose medicine over food, something is wrong. Greed in the health care system was the shame of our country.
My wife and I tried to stay away from the Doctor; we tried to do everything natural we could to stay healthy as we got older. I hate going to the Doctor as you well know. And of coarse I had always been overweight (you would never know it, to see me now). But we managed to get by with out falling into the pill trap. Some I know were not so lucky, I remember this one guy around the turn (turn of the century) that had to work until the day he died because he was afraid to retire; he and his wife had so many prescription drugs to buy.

My wife and I tried to stay away from the Doctor; we tried to do everything natural we could to stay healthy as we got older. I hate going to the Doctor as you well know. And of coarse I had always been overweight (you would never know it, to see me now). But we managed to get by with out falling into the pill trap. Some I know were not so lucky, I remember this one guy around the turn (turn of the century) that had to work until the day he died because he was afraid to retire; he and his wife had so many prescription drugs to buy.

This old box car is parked next to a rail road museum. The old steam engine out front came from the turn of the last century. This country was still growing then; the turn of the next century was the start of its decline. I have walk three lonely years by myself, now it’s harder that every to walk alone. I miss her, I miss all my family.
There are some things I did not want to tell you, things I did not want to write about again. But I feel I am coming to the end, so I want to tell you a few of the stories about our family. I will try to cover it in the next several writings. But bear in mind I may not be able to write for the emotions this will stir; (I write this as if I’m truly writing to someone; who am I kidding). First let me start by saying this: your Son’s are the kind of men you can stand beside when trouble comes. They will make you prouder that you ever thought you could be; I wish I could see them one last time……… They await me just on the other side of this curtain in front of reality.
Day 1079
I feel a strange pull towards home now (or should I say my old house, fo
r it has not been a home for some years now). It is something I can not explain, this attraction to go back now. I kind of thought I would go back, I have been thinking about it, but now it is a must, because of what I heard. I hate to write about this so soon, but maybe it will help to get it written down. Maybe it will, I don’t know any more if any thing helps.... My past self, if you could read this, my wish would be for you to change time somehow so none of this happens. If only we could dam up the river of time and force it in another direction, if only….

It was last week after our stay at the old park. We got up the
next morning and continued our walk towards Mississippi. I did not feel like walking, my head had been hurting, but I tried to press on like I was on a schedule or had a bus to catch, damn my stupid need to keep walking. Maybe if we had waited the chain of events that followed might have gone differently. We had been walking all day and I was about ready to stop when we came up on this open field that had an Indian mound on the far end. I thought it would be nice to walk over and check it out. I left the cart up by the road and we walk through the open field towards the mound. It was a beautiful fall day the trees off in the distance had all their fall colors. I stopped and took a deep breath of the crisp afternoon air as Hope ran out in front. I thought to myself; I almost feel happy for a change. When I heard the first audible sound come from Hope I had ever heard (other than whimpering when she cries). It was a loud scream; I looked and she was no where in sight. I ran towards the last spot I saw her and found broken boards, boards that once covered an abandon well. She had fallen into this dark hole. I screamed her name, no response. I ran back to my pack and got the crank flash light. I tried to look down the hole to see if I could see her, but the light was week and old, the battery drained, it would not hold a charge for long without having to crank and crank. I could barely make out the shape of her head.

I ran back to the cart again to get some rope. But when I got back to the hole I realized no trees were near enough to tie the rope to. I don’t know if I could have repelled down into the hole any way with out trapping us both. I was frantic; I did not know what to do. I tied a loop on the end and fished it down in to the hole. I called down and told her to grab the rope; no response. I pulled the rope back up and could tell by the weight she did not grab hold; I threw it down again. I was losing light fast and it was getting harder to see into the hole. I screamed her name over and over until my throat became raw. “Grab the Rope! Grab the rope please! Please God, let her grab the rope!” I tried ag
ain, dropping the rope into the hole. Darkness fell and the silence from that hole was deafening. I built a fire and tried again and again to fish her out. I don’t know how much time passed; time means nothing any more until you want something to happen, some results. I wore myself out trying time after time until I collapsed on the rim of the well. I continued to talk to her, if she could hear me I wanted her to know I was still there. Then I remembered a song my wife use to sing to our boys at bed time so I sang it to her, I kept repeating the song until morning came.

I awoke with the sun in my eyes. Oh God how could I fallen asleep. I started pulling the rope out of the hole to start trying again, but this time it was heavy on the other end. I began to pull gently just incase. Slowly I eased the rope up until I saw her limp body. I pulled her from the hole, she was ice cold and soaking wet. I pulled off my coat and shirt and after striping her wet cloths off I placed her in mine a wrapped her up. She was still breathing, she was still alive. I started the fire back up and got her as close to it as I could. I ran again to the cart and got anything I could find to wrap her in. Then I held her in my arms trying to transfer my body heat to her; and I prayed.
The day turned to dark and I held on to her. I watched as the moon ran a
cross the sky and I held on to her. The sun rose the next day, she was still in my arms. As the warmth of the sun hit her face, her eyes opened. She gave me a faint smile and lifted her arms until they were around my neck. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me on my cheek. That is when I heard her say; “it’s time to go home Gran-B, everything is alright now, just come home”. She then went limp and she was gone. I placed her under a tree that was bright with colors. She wore her frilly dress and I laid her hat beside her.

Day 1075
Hope is dead; so I am going home……….

Beside her I lay these words: Your life was short, your sorrow great, but your smile filled the darkest places of my hart and brought joy to my last days.
Your consolation; you can now run to a home that will never end, joy that never stops and peace is all you will know, forever more.
My consolation shall be this; our separation will be short as my days draw to a close, soon I will see all those I have loved in their true beauty as my blindness gives way to sight.
My Lord, I have screamed "WHY" until my voice was faint. Your answers never came; you left me to seek them on my own. Am I a fool to believe in you? I have walked and walked looking for some clue, some explanation. Why would a loving God allow such a world as this? The loneliness and silence was too much to bear as I continued to walk. Why did your answers never come? My wife once said as I asked “why” (during one of my pity parties); “I don’t know, but did you ever think, why not?” Should I expect nothing bad to happen because I have followed you? I have watched as everyone I have ever loved was taken away from me. I have been left to walk in this world alone, my biggest fear came true. So I feel I have the right to ask why, but you will not answer. Who am I to expect an explanation from you? Maybe the truth is my mind of flesh and blood could never understand nor comprehend you or your ways. Just as child never understands their father while they struggle to grow up, they have to leave home before they can understand its comfort and security. I guess you have to walk in darkness before you appreciate the light, you can never enjoy heaven until you have walked through hell. Maybe it’s then and only then you can go home and get the answers to the questions you buried deep as a child.
So my Father, I’m coming home............
Day 1069

As we embarked on the Trace I had found an old shopping cart that I filled with as much food and fresh boiled water as I could. I push the cart, Hope's job (as she sees it) is to ride up front and point at new discoveries. The trace is a very desolate road, one I never like to travel in a car. The main reason is you can travel twenty miles on the trace and you have seen it all. It is a flat drive with trees on each side and that is all you will see the whole 444 miles from Nashville TN. to Natchez MS.; except for the occasional Indian mound or open field. I expect this walk to be just as boring, but so far my partner has made it a little less mundane because she looks at everything as if it is brand new.

I have not been feeling very well every since we left Dickson, I thought Hope was sick, but it seems I may have a bug. My last wish would be to get sick something happen and Hope be left alone. We may rest here another day if I am not feeling better in the morning. I pray I can make it to Pontotoc and find an Amish family, if there are any left in that area. I think once I get her settled, this may be my last walk. I think I will head home and wait. I do not look forward to saying good bye to this little one who has made me smile, she has brighten my last days and I owe her so much for the happiness she has brought me. She reminds me of someone, a soul I have known before. I know I keep thinking this, but why is she so familiar to me.
Go to Day 1075
Day 1066
There are many things I miss about the past world of modern conveniences but none more than portable music. When I was a boy the transistor radio came out and people were free to walk around with music in their ear. The old folks would look at the te
enagers and shake their heads at this new fangled contraption; while the kids danced to the music with one ear plug (before stereo) stuck in the side of there head. After that music had to be portable, I have seen it evolve. From the compact radio to the boom box on the shoulder, the walk man to the I-Pod and last but not least the chipster (ear implanted micro chips that could download thousands of songs to your head). I myself have been calmed by music played into my head from earphones (not a chip kind of guy) as I tried to get pass another day of boring work. As much as we tried to make it more compact and digitized, music was at its best played on crackling vinyl as a needle run across the groves and it poured out of big speakers. But none of that compared to the thrill of live, un-produced, unedited music from a band with talent.

Walking through Dickson TN. looking for supplies I heard a sound that brought tears to my eyes. It was the sound of a lone banjo (an American born instrument) faintly echoing off the walls of the buildings in town. This even caused Hope’s ears to perk up. We followed the sounds as we heard a guitar added and also what could be a fiddle began to blend in as well. My feet became so light as my ears listened to the ringing of bluegrass played in the hills of Tennessee that for a moment I thought I heard angels singing. The sound got louder as we came to an abandon building on the edge of town. Hope was anxious to run on in, but even though I was enchanted by the music I had to take precautions. I pulled my rifle and kept it by my side. I looked a Hope as she rolled her eyes. Then I said; what?
We eased into the dark building and wandered around (what used to be a hardware store) until we came to a stair case that went down to a basement. The music stopped just as I was about to put my foot on the first step. I hollered; Hello! The response came back with several voices almost in harmony; Hello? Several grungy looking
souls peeked out of the dim candle light and looked up the stairs; “look” one of them said; it’s people.
It was true we had run up on your typical inbreed rednecks in the south playing bluegrass. Sounds like something you would see in an old Burt Reynolds movie. But here they are big as life. They seemed friendly enough so we (or I) casually began to talk with them. Four men and two women, two brothers and their sister and a husband and wife who claimed they wondered into town one day, and one smart alick little dude that was a friend of the brothers.
“What ya gonna do with that gun”? The little guy asked. “Nothing no one makes me do”; I replied. “We are no threat; we just heard the music and thought we would check it out. Did not mean to disturb you, we will be on our way”. “Naw, it’s alright”; the husband said. “We are just surprised to see someone else; it’s been what, maybe five years since we have seen anyone”. “I guess”; the others spoke up. “Feel free to listen in, we was just passing time, it’s all we got ya know, time”. “I know” I said, I know…..

We sat on the stair case and listen as they picked out another number; I looked down and saw Hope was patting her foot. It was a joyful sound indeed. This could have been great, but like a lot of crap in this world there is always a dark side. As I looked around the dimly lit room I pick up on why these people were hold up down here instead of up in the town. Seems people like to hide their secrets in the dark even though there are no people left to judge. I saw what I recognized as a crude
meth lab, these good ole boys and girls are strung out on the crystal demon. Of coarse there are plenty of supplies left to make this up-to-date version of moonshine. I guess we all have our ways of dealing with the world. Some just chose to live in a fog.
As soon as the song was over, I told them how great it was to hear music again, especially grass, but we had to go. They tried to get us to stay, but I made as hasty a retreat as I could with out being to rude or raising many red flags. They were in no shape to put up much of a fight any way, I think they just wanted to get back to drowning out life. When we got outside Hope looked at me like she was disgusted we left so soon. I said, “Do you trust me”? Her eyes soften and she nodded her head. We walked on as the music faded
from our ears, it caused me to wipe one last tear from my eye. I could have sat on that stair case and listen to that music forever. There is nothing like music to help you ride memories an escape. Why would you need any thing else….
Play on my wayward son, play on…………..
Go to Day 1069

Walking through Dickson TN. looking for supplies I heard a sound that brought tears to my eyes. It was the sound of a lone banjo (an American born instrument) faintly echoing off the walls of the buildings in town. This even caused Hope’s ears to perk up. We followed the sounds as we heard a guitar added and also what could be a fiddle began to blend in as well. My feet became so light as my ears listened to the ringing of bluegrass played in the hills of Tennessee that for a moment I thought I heard angels singing. The sound got louder as we came to an abandon building on the edge of town. Hope was anxious to run on in, but even though I was enchanted by the music I had to take precautions. I pulled my rifle and kept it by my side. I looked a Hope as she rolled her eyes. Then I said; what?
We eased into the dark building and wandered around (what used to be a hardware store) until we came to a stair case that went down to a basement. The music stopped just as I was about to put my foot on the first step. I hollered; Hello! The response came back with several voices almost in harmony; Hello? Several grungy looking

It was true we had run up on your typical inbreed rednecks in the south playing bluegrass. Sounds like something you would see in an old Burt Reynolds movie. But here they are big as life. They seemed friendly enough so we (or I) casually began to talk with them. Four men and two women, two brothers and their sister and a husband and wife who claimed they wondered into town one day, and one smart alick little dude that was a friend of the brothers.

“What ya gonna do with that gun”? The little guy asked. “Nothing no one makes me do”; I replied. “We are no threat; we just heard the music and thought we would check it out. Did not mean to disturb you, we will be on our way”. “Naw, it’s alright”; the husband said. “We are just surprised to see someone else; it’s been what, maybe five years since we have seen anyone”. “I guess”; the others spoke up. “Feel free to listen in, we was just passing time, it’s all we got ya know, time”. “I know” I said, I know…..

We sat on the stair case and listen as they picked out another number; I looked down and saw Hope was patting her foot. It was a joyful sound indeed. This could have been great, but like a lot of crap in this world there is always a dark side. As I looked around the dimly lit room I pick up on why these people were hold up down here instead of up in the town. Seems people like to hide their secrets in the dark even though there are no people left to judge. I saw what I recognized as a crude

As soon as the song was over, I told them how great it was to hear music again, especially grass, but we had to go. They tried to get us to stay, but I made as hasty a retreat as I could with out being to rude or raising many red flags. They were in no shape to put up much of a fight any way, I think they just wanted to get back to drowning out life. When we got outside Hope looked at me like she was disgusted we left so soon. I said, “Do you trust me”? Her eyes soften and she nodded her head. We walked on as the music faded

Play on my wayward son, play on…………..
Go to Day 1069
Day 1064
We have made it to Dickson TN. The weather is decidable cooler. The sky is overcast making it some what gloomy. We can cross over I-40 and
head on down 46 until it turns into 7 then it should dead end at the trace. This maybe a foolish idea if we do not find enough food to last us on the long walk to Tupelo. I will look through the stores in this small town tomorrow and see what I can find. I al
so need to find a way to carry more food than I can on my back. Hope can not carry anything and I would not ask it of her, I still don’t think she feels well. If only she could talk and tell me what’s wrong. The weather this last week and a half may just have her down. She does not look sick or have a fever. I just don’t know.
We are now in my land
, ground that was kissed by God. There is no more diverse part of this world than the Great American South. You can walk from mountains to delta to ocean to swamp and will never see another place like it. The foot hills of the Smokey’s are covered in mist of mysteries. While the swamps hide secrets, the stoic cyprus will
never tell. The pine tress whisper in your ears when the wind blows and the sweet smell of honey suckle makes the humid summer days thick of stories told by old men. The d
elta made people so poor they were rich with song; songs heard around the world. Kudzu covers the ground and Spanish moss hangs from the
trees, it all says welcome home.
Home; if I can do one last thing I want to find a home for this little girl. I can not give her what she needs, what I once knew. A home is many things to many people. But to me long ago it was a place, so full of love it was as if you could touch it. It was not easy, and there were times, but it was the best of times, to quote a famous line. That is my hope fore this little one. To know what a home is. Can I give this one last thing, time will tell……….

One more can to bury tonight; full of words written to the ghost of myself in the past.
Go to Day 1066

We are now in my land

Home; if I can do one last thing I want to find a home for this little girl. I can not give her what she needs, what I once knew. A home is many things to many people. But to me long ago it was a place, so full of love it was as if you could touch it. It was not easy, and there were times, but it was the best of times, to quote a famous line. That is my hope fore this little one. To know what a home is. Can I give this one last thing, time will tell……….

One more can to bury tonight; full of words written to the ghost of myself in the past.
Go to Day 1066
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