It was last week after our stay at the old park. We got up the
next morning and continued our walk towards Mississippi. I did not feel like walking, my head had been hurting, but I tried to press on like I was on a schedule or had a bus to catch, damn my stupid need to keep walking. Maybe if we had waited the chain of events that followed might have gone differently. We had been walking all day and I was about ready to stop when we came up on this open field that had an Indian mound on the far end. I thought it would be nice to walk over and check it out. I left the cart up by the road and we walk through the open field towards the mound. It was a beautiful fall day the trees off in the distance had all their fall colors. I stopped and took a deep breath of the crisp afternoon air as Hope ran out in front. I thought to myself; I almost feel happy for a change. When I heard the first audible sound come from Hope I had ever heard (other than whimpering when she cries). It was a loud scream; I looked and she was no where in sight. I ran towards the last spot I saw her and found broken boards, boards that once covered an abandon well. She had fallen into this dark hole. I screamed her name, no response. I ran back to my pack and got the crank flash light. I tried to look down the hole to see if I could see her, but the light was week and old, the battery drained, it would not hold a charge for long without having to crank and crank. I could barely make out the shape of her head.

I ran back to the cart again to get some rope. But when I got back to the hole I realized no trees were near enough to tie the rope to. I don’t know if I could have repelled down into the hole any way with out trapping us both. I was frantic; I did not know what to do. I tied a loop on the end and fished it down in to the hole. I called down and told her to grab the rope; no response. I pulled the rope back up and could tell by the weight she did not grab hold; I threw it down again. I was losing light fast and it was getting harder to see into the hole. I screamed her name over and over until my throat became raw. “Grab the Rope! Grab the rope please! Please God, let her grab the rope!” I tried ag
ain, dropping the rope into the hole. Darkness fell and the silence from that hole was deafening. I built a fire and tried again and again to fish her out. I don’t know how much time passed; time means nothing any more until you want something to happen, some results. I wore myself out trying time after time until I collapsed on the rim of the well. I continued to talk to her, if she could hear me I wanted her to know I was still there. Then I remembered a song my wife use to sing to our boys at bed time so I sang it to her, I kept repeating the song until morning came.

I awoke with the sun in my eyes. Oh God how could I fallen asleep. I started pulling the rope out of the hole to start trying again, but this time it was heavy on the other end. I began to pull gently just incase. Slowly I eased the rope up until I saw her limp body. I pulled her from the hole, she was ice cold and soaking wet. I pulled off my coat and shirt and after striping her wet cloths off I placed her in mine a wrapped her up. She was still breathing, she was still alive. I started the fire back up and got her as close to it as I could. I ran again to the cart and got anything I could find to wrap her in. Then I held her in my arms trying to transfer my body heat to her; and I prayed.
The day turned to dark and I held on to her. I watched as the moon ran a
cross the sky and I held on to her. The sun rose the next day, she was still in my arms. As the warmth of the sun hit her face, her eyes opened. She gave me a faint smile and lifted her arms until they were around my neck. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me on my cheek. That is when I heard her say; “it’s time to go home Gran-B, everything is alright now, just come home”. She then went limp and she was gone. I placed her under a tree that was bright with colors. She wore her frilly dress and I laid her hat beside her.