Later my sons and I had some time alone and we talked. I told them about where I had been and all that I had done, they got a strange look on their face and I asked them why. Finely one of them spoke up, “Dad I hate to correct you but you already told us this story a long time ago. You wrote it down; don’t you remember?” I said; your mistaken I never wrote any thing like this before; because it just happened over the last three years. How could I have made up such a story…..I’m telling you, I never…..” Okay Dad, please don’t get upset we believe you. After all I could be mistaken because it was over forty years ago; towards the end of the first decade, I think.” They all seemed too agreed on this. “What year is it”; I asked. "2051" one of them answered. The year sounds about right; I thought to myself. “I must have done it”; I caught my self saying. “Done what?” They asked. But I did not respond, how I could explain. After all It must be alright now, I mean the lights are on, everything looks the same, some how……….

It was then another familiar face walk through the door, it was HOPE! She ran over to the bed and jumped up on it and gave me a big hug. I blurted out; “Hope your alright”. "I told you Gran-B, everything is alright now, you just had to come home.” She said, with a big smile on her face. “It sure is and you were right, you were right.” I said; as I kissed her on her cheek. The rest of the day she never left my side. She stayed with me as each of my grand children and all my family and I visited. And of coarse there was plenty of food and we ate, boy did we eat (food is so much better when it’s not in a can).
This had to be the best day ever, but I felt it was coming to an end. Because my wife was motioning to me it was time to go. I did not understand why we had to leave such a fine party, but she held out her hand and I will follow her

I whispered in Hopes ear and told her I had to go (if I’m not mistaken I think I saw a tear in her eye). I asked her to do one last thing for me; she nodded her head as I gave her my instructions. She said she understood and would do what I asked. I told her not to worry, it won’t be long and we will all be together again. My Sons and I hugged one last time as I got ready to go; I told each and everyone of my family how much I love them as we said our good byes. For it was getting dark and my wife insisted we go. So I write this down for you my past self and for any who will read it. You can change the past; but just incase, hold on to the future don’t let it slip from your grasp.
Now, I will take the hand of my bride, we are going home………
Go to Another Point of View..........