This is a story about an old man walking his way through one possible future. I started this story in blog format and new posts were added as the man walked through out the country. But now the story is finished. So in the interested of anyone who would like to read it I have changed it so you can read it in the proper order. Once you click to the start “945 days and counting” just follow the “Go TO’s” (at the end of each post) and it will lead you to the end. To check out what I used to back up any of the things that happen in the story click on the hyperlinks that are threaded within the story. As well as the picture you see on the side; each one pertains to certain parts of the story as it progresses.
The future is coming it gets closer every day, are you ready, do you know all that could happen. We were made to be stewards of a world that was balance perfectly. But WE and our selfish way of life have upset that balance and the world is changing. There may still be time……We can not change the past, but the future is within our grasp!