But as I got near Bloomington all hell broke loose in the form of a storm. It was on me before I knew it and it was a big one. Hard rain, gusty winds and then as I feared, a tornado. I have not been in one for a long time (just lucky I guess), but my luck ran out. I barley had enough time to find a ditch to duck into and then I crawled my way into a culvert about a hundred yards down the road. I stayed in that culvert for what seem like hours until the eye passed over. But it has left a steady rain that has lasted for two days now, two long days in a tent with nothing to do but look outside and ponder the times I live in.

Storms like these have taken there toll on this world. Tornado's, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, it was all we saw on the news all over the world. Some said it was a phase the earth was going through. Some said global warming, but the truth is no one knew: it was all speculation. Maybe the earth was trying to tell us something and we were not listening. We had turn a deaf ear to our planet as the population grew and man became so called smarter. Maybe the earth needed a cleansing a reduction of a certain species, like man. As you see (my past self) I can speculate too, but maybe the earth is getting ready to be born again and these are the birth pangs. There used to be smarter people than I that could go on and on about it all. Me; I’m just happy to survive today’s storm and tomorrow I will be on my way.

My biggest decision is will I walk I-55 or I-74 when I get back on the road. I-55 leads to Saint Louis and from there into Memphis. I don’t think I want to see Lake Memphis again, to many bad memoirs. I did not know, because I guess it happen after the grids went down. I was just walking down I-40 headed towards Tennessee thinking I would be hitting the Mississippi river at any time when the highway disappeared into water. And nothing but water as far as the eye could see. Then off in the distance I saw the tops of the buildings and realized what had happen. It had been predicted for years it must have finely happen. I think the big earthquake finely hit and sunk the whole town and the river just flooded it all. I use to spend a lot of time in Memphis, and I knew a lot of people that lived there, now it’s all under water. Another birthing pain, I guess......