I woke up the other day with an overwhelming feeling that I needed to go home. I tried to ignore it, but as I started walking on I-94 towards Milwaukee, this since of doom came over me. It was crushing me and I could not walk any further. So I turned around and went back to the junction of I-90 & I-39 and started walking towards Rockford Illinois until the feeling subsided. I don’t understand what was going on, but I have learned to pay attention to my weird little feelings like that. I don’t know if I’m going back home though, I have not been there in 1002 days….my gosh has it been that long. Over one thousand days of walking……away from home. Home is a place where a family lives…..I would be going back to a house. A house I’m sure is some what run down by now. A house that is an empty shell, of what was once a home. I don’t think I want to see the house again and I know my soul could not bear to see…….. For now I will walk in the general direction and calm my instincts and head towards the South. I did not want to get caught up North in the winter anyway; maybe this was all a way of my guardian angel telling me to get down south before I freeze my butt off again.

I ran into a special kind of idiot the other day. I was coming up on the bridge that goes over Lake
Koshkonong (Indian name). And there was this guy sitting in a wood built toll booth at the bridge entrance. I did not think about any one being in it so I was just walking up to the bridge when I heard a SHOT! “Hey” he yelled. You got to pay the toll; no one goes over my bridge with out paying the toll. As I focused on the man in the booth I notice him waving his

pistol in the air. I guess he thought this gave him power, so many men crave power. I back up a little raised my arm and pulled out my rifle and with one action I spun it around, cycling a round into the chamber and level a shot right above his head into the wood over the toll booth window. This got his attention so he ducked behind the window pulling his gun in with him; he yelled again. Who do you think you are, you crazy old jackass, the F--king Rifle Man? Then I said; Surly son you don’t want that to be the last words on your lips before you meet God; and if you going to use comparisons I prefer
Josh Randal; he was a lot cooler than
Lucas McCain. "GOD? What God you crazy old man, there is no god any more!" The man yelled again. And with that statement out of is mouth I
spun another round in the rifle and fired a shot towards him for principal sake. That made him throw his gun out of the booth and give up. What’s wrong with you old man? I’m just trying to make a living here! I looked up the road one way and then the other; of coarse no one was in site. And I said; get much business do you? That’s not the point; he said. It’s my booth and my bridge. Okay I said; I’m going to cross your bridge and if you're hungry I can leave you some food, but I got no money. I don’t need your food; he said, just leave. And with that I back across the bridge as I kept my rifle leveled on him (so he would not make a move to pick up his pistol). Once on the other side I duck into the woods so he could not get a clean shot at me. I did not get back on the highway until I was far enough away. Then the shakes caught up with me a
nd I shuddered as I thought about all that could have happen.
I have learned not to back down or show fear to someone with a gun or any one that is being aggressive. I’m not a brave man and in my former (or your) life I would have run from or coward in a situation like that. But I have nothing more to lose, nothing but my life, and it’s not worth much to me any more. So maybe that makes me a little bolder, but I’m still scared and I still shake with fear. Imagine, one man, on an empty road, sitting in a toll booth on one side of a bridge that never gets used. Now that takes a little extra stupid. Or maybe he just longs for something to do, a purpose in life once again.
I broke into one of those mega stores on the out skirts of Rockford. It looked like no one much has been in it, still a good bit of stuff left. I have been able to
ck up on everything, even got another box of bullets. I’m going to sleep under its roof tonight, even though I don’t like being closed in if someone happens to come along. I’
ve been looking at the tents in the camping section, maybe it’s time for a new one. Moneys no object only the best for this old man. Yep;
moneys no object any more………….
Go to Day 1009