My extended stay in the town of Albert Lea Minnesota has paid off in many ways. I found a new pair of shoes, plenty of food, clean water and then I found something I had not bargain on. I was walking through town looking it over very

cautiously, stocking up on supplies as I came to one store after another. I had finely got all I could carry on my shoulders and was heading out of town. I had decided to take I-35 for awhile and the turn east again before I got into Kansas City (I have no like for that town, just because I knew someone who lived there once). My plan was to walk below the great lakes and avoid all the walking it would take going around them. Even though I was looking forward to seeing them again. Just on the out skirts of town I came up on the Airport. My curiosity got the best of me and I took a look around. I have not seen an aircraft fly in years, how many years I can not tell you, but it has been some time. Just one more thing reserved only for the rich.
You know we (you and I) use to like to fly, it was a grate hobby at one time, remember? I would like to tell you that you took it up again later in life but you (I) never did. Flying like everything else got so expensive, us average folks could not afford it any longer. Like most hobbies people use to enjoy. Our government had turned its back on the
middle class long ago; there were the rich and the working poor. If you worked it took all you had to pay all your monthly commitments. Some said it was a depression, but the government would not acknowledge it. Because most everyone was working, people had jobs. Not like the thirties depression when the banks fell and people had no jobs. It’s just that this time people (average people) had to spend every last dime on surviving. And every one had their hands in your pocket every month.
Oil was one problem, we never learn, we never changed, we road the horse power in our cars until it killed the economy, and by then it was too late to change. So the
oil companies got richer and America got poorer. No one cared that everyone else was being pushed out of business as oil became king. Until everything cost so much because of it, no one was buying anything else unless the needed it. No more fun spending, no more vacations, no more toys for the working guy and girl. They had their hands full just paying for the necessities. And of coarse there is always credit, so the rich can keep getting richer and us poor working fools get poorer while we owe our soul to Master Card gold. No more small business man, only big corporations, so the American dream where each man had an equal chance to get rich if he so desired, went away. It was not a depression; it was a deep depression of the
spirit of America. Our whole economy was tittering on the brink of total collapse, all because of GREED! And one more domino would soon fall. Money now though, means nothing, no more than the dirt under my feet. Every society through out mankind’s time on the planet has tried to put value on something worthless. Imagine a piece of printed paper being worth so much that another human being would keep one of his on kind depressed, pushed down, just so they could stand on top. Well it’s over now except for a few idiots I have run into that think they can still buy and sell, some fools never learn. Enough of my ranting…it’s just money has always been the bane of my existence (as you well know) I always struggled, and just when I finely had it all over with and retired, then…..well that’s another story.
While walking around the airport looking at the abandon aircraft, I came up on one hanger that was locked. I found a heavy piece of metal and pried the lock off the door. Inside was a two seat, single engine airplane in pristine condition. It had to be a
pre nineteen fifties aircraft that someone lovingly restored. And here it sits waiting for me and ex-pilot to find it. Looking inside the cockpit I realized the restoration had brought the aircraft back to factory

. Which meant that it had no modern day conveniences, GPS,
VOR or even a radio (not that any of that stuff would work now any way). It had no electric system, no battery; so it could only be propped started. Which meant maybe, just maybe it would fly. I have resisted driving any car that was drivable, because I saw them as part of the problem. Beside you can only get as far as a tank of gas, you can’t pump gas with out power and anyway I just really did not want to. But to fly again, to see the earth one more time from up there, well I just had to try.
So I have spent the last few days trying. T

here was fuel in the tank and I drain enough out of the wing to tell no water is present. The oil in the engine looked good and I turn the prop to make sure the oil was circulating. I found some rope and tied off the back, and then I chock the wheels and went to the front of the plane. I pulled hard to make sure the plane would not lung forward if it started (I did not want a face full of prop). Then I turn on the magnetos and went to the front and gave the prop a brisk turn, nothing. I tried again and again, still nothing. The fuel was old; the little plane had not been started in years, so I don’t know what I was expecting. But I can dream can’t I. I spent most of that day spinning that prop, and then my stubbornness paid off; I got a sputter of life. I went back around to the cockpit and pushed in the choke a little and pulled out the throttle just a tad more. I spun the prop again and this time it sputtered and caught. The engine came to life! I fell on my backside and laugh at the sound of it. Then it died and silence fell, but it encouraged me and I kept trying until I got it to run for a long time. I sat behind the controls and ran up the engine watching the rpm’s for any sign of weakness. But all seemed good. So now my crazy plan is to fly tomorrow. I went back to town and pack more supplies in the back of this little bird and if all goes well I will fly it until the fuel runs out or I crash, which ever comes first. I may get airborne and the wing fall off or the controls freeze up or a cable could snap. But what the hay, I will have died with a smile on my face. As soon as I get through writing this I will put another time capsule in the ground at the airport. When the sun comes up I will fly once again, God willing I will fly.
If I don’t write anymore, (my younger self) it was sure nice getting all this off my chest. Maybe not so much for you, but the jokes on me because you will never read this anyway. But if you could; just remember don’t waist a moment; each and every one is a precious gift!
Go To Day 986