There is a reason for everything under heaven, a balance that must be maintained. But man could not be satisfied; he had to tip the scales of balance so it served his purpose. Maybe it’s time I tell you about the broken food chain, and why I (your future self) have to watch what I eat and where it comes from. You see before the darkness and the rfid we were struggling to recover from a chain of events set in place back in the early 70’s. When man started messing around with the building blocks of life and turning it around to fit his plans. They created and release of GMO’s into our world altered the state of living tissue and later the food chain. Like everything else it seemed like a good thing at the time, making certain animal tissue compatible for transplants and other useful things. Then we decided to alter plants to better serve our needs. It was all good even approved by the FDA and USDA. But it changed the balance put it place by One smarter than us. When ma

Bugs, those tiny little annoying creatures we squash under our foot or swat with our hand, are part of the balance. Take the Bee for instance, the clumsiest flying thing God ever created, but with out them nothing could grow. They are responsible for pollen getting from here to there so the food chain continues. Don’t break the chain or weaken the links; but man did, because we can not leave well enough alone. Thinking we can improve nature, what an arrogant creature we are. Look to the bee’s for another sign in your time. Then they tried to change the mosquito so it would not carry any more diseases, but that did not turn out as planed.
When you start to modify something you better know what you’re doing, we did not. Transgenic organisms got into the food chain. They mutated, changed food and made people sick and the soil sick as well. Food of every kind became uneatable. Food stopped being caned after a certain date once they realized the source. What I would not give for fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat. I can still see the grocery stores of plenty with all the fresh produce lined up. We took it all for granted, completely for granted…… Fresh was not good enough we had to modify it so it had a longer shelf life or so it would grow fa

I get so tired of can food, but it is all I can trust, as long as I watch the date. There are free range cows and chicken (because there is no one left to keep them in pens or behind fences) in certain areas that survived because they were not tagged. But you can not trust that thet're not infected. I can kill wild game and eat some wild vegetable, but I have to be careful. That is why I like staying with the Amish; they still have food that is transgenic free, as long as it has not been infected by neighboring farms. But they are few in numbers and I see them rarely. So I survive on the left over’s, from this empty world.
Beside fresh produce there is one more simple little thing I miss that I bet you would not even think about. Ice, if only I could have one more cool drink with ice in it before I leave this world. Someone told me of a man in old New York that had a generator hook up to an ice maker and was selling ice for a thousand dollars a cube. See; I told you about those fools that still think there is an economy and want to live under the old system of greed. I wonder how long before someone knock him in the head and took it from him. That is why I stay

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