This is a story about an old man walking his way through one possible future. I started this story in blog format and new posts were added as the man walked through out the country. But now the story is finished. So in the interested of anyone who would like to read it I have changed it so you can read it in the proper order. Once you click to the start “945 days and counting” just follow the “Go TO’s” (at the end of each post) and it will lead you to the end. To check out what I used to back up any of the things that happen in the story click on the hyperlinks that are threaded within the story. As well as the picture you see on the side; each one pertains to certain parts of the story as it progresses.
The future is coming it gets closer every day, are you ready, do you know all that could happen. We were made to be stewards of a world that was balance perfectly. But WE and our selfish way of life have upset that balance and the world is changing. There may still be time……We can not change the past, but the future is within our grasp!
945 days and Counting
I have tried to write before, but I get frustrated and tear it up. Who wants to hear what I have to say (as if anyone could read it), after all it’s to late now. I have lived to long and seen too much…..much more that I ever thought I would. I must some how get it out of me, purge my brain of it all, before my end. I have often wished I could send a note back to my younger self, as a warning. But I don’t know if I would listen or could do anything. After all I was a nobody, just one of the millions upon millions that use to live in this land. So I have decided I would write my little dairy of such, as if I was writing it to my self long ago.
So, past self this is to you, cherish your life now, for as you read on you will see your end of days will not be what you expected…….
Remember when you use to go on those family trips back in the sixties. Every year for many years Mom, Dad and their friends and you would go on those see America trips. You saw every state out the window of your dad’s new Pontiac Catalina. Well me, (your older self) decided to spend his last days on this planet, doing the same thing once again, but this time on foot. I have been walking for over two and a half years. Walking the desolate highways, side roads and trails of this once great nation, seeing what’s left seeing all I can with these old eyes of mine. I just was tired of sitting and waiting to die, I had nothing left, nothing more to lose. So I just pack up and left, carrying only what I could and using my old walking stick to steady myself. I was weak and to old for such a trip. Maybe so, but you would be surprise how quick you get stronger when you walk all the time and every effort is put into just surviving. You would find that hard to believe now, because you’re fat and content and have it all. I know, I know you think you have had it hard, but you’re in the prime so don’t waist it, don’t be content. Because it can all disappear in the wink of an eye. The land you live in now has plenty and is wasting plenty. Too much leads too much greed, and greed will lead to a great fall. I wish I could tell you how lon
g it has been since the Great Fall. But I don’t remember, I don’t keep up with time much any more, just days. Time is kind of irrelevant, there is no place to be, no place to be late getting to. I could tell you the year when it started, but that would be kind of be like seeing what’s in the wrapped up present. But this is no gift you want to open. It was Pandora’s Box. Once open, no one could put humpty dumpty back together again.

Enough of that did not mean to scare you. It’s just too much has happen to write about it all tonight. I’m tired now; think I’ll have my latest can of what ever. Can food, great idea, it can survive any thing. There is still plenty of food out there you just got to know where to look. At first I got a lot of can food from the old mega stores, but there slim pickens now. So I just find what I can’s I can (sorry for the pun) and make them last as long as I can (sorry I can’t stop). You got to have a since of humor, it serve you well back then and you will need it now. More to come, later on down the road…………….
End of Days
So much has happened and I’m not sure I understand it all but I wanted to write it down for I feel this will be the end of my notes. I awoke to find myself in my own bed, jus
t as I remember it. My vision was blurry at first and then it cleared. When it did I was surrounded by my sons, their wives and family. I asked one of my sons (who was the closest to me); “is this heaven?” “No Dad its home” he responded. I said; “you know son, it might be one in the same”! He hug me as if I had been gone a long time, they a
ll did. We talked and laugh and it was just like old times. It was a party, the best kind of party, with all the family around.
Later my sons and I had some time alone and we talked. I told them about where I had been and all that I had done, they got a strange look on their face and I asked them why. Finely one of them spoke up, “Dad I hate to correct you but you already told us this story a long time ago. You wrote it down; don’t you remember?” I said; your mistaken I never wrote any thing like this before; because it just happened over the last three years. How could I have made up such a story…..I’m telling you, I never…..” Okay Dad, please don’t get upset we believe you. After all I could be mistaken because it was over forty years ago; towards the end of the first decade, I think.” They all seemed too agreed on this. “What year is it”; I asked. "2051" one of them answered. The year sounds about right; I thought to myself. “I must have done it”; I caught my self saying. “Done what?” They asked. But I did not respond, how I could explain. After all It must be alright now, I mean the lights are on, everything looks the same, some how……….

It was then another familiar face walk through the door, it was HOPE! She ran over to the bed and jumped up on it and gave me a big hug. I blurted out; “Hope your alright”. "I told you Gran-B, everything is alright now, you just had to come home.” She said, with a big smile on her face. “It sure is and you were right, you were right.” I said; as I kissed her on her cheek. The rest of the day she never left my side. She stayed with me as each of my grand children and all my family and I visited. And of coarse there was plenty of food and we ate, boy did we eat (food is so much better when it’s not in a can).
This had to be the best day ever, but I felt it was coming to an end. Because my wife was motioning to me it was time to go. I did not understand why we had to leave such a fine party, but she held out her hand and I will follow her
any where. She looked so good, just like I remember her, it looked as if she was wearing her wedding dress, in fact she looked just like she did the day I married her.
I whispered in Hopes ear and told her I had to go (if I’m not mistaken I think I saw a tear in her eye). I asked her to do one last thing for me; she nodded her head as I gave her my instructions. She said she understood and would do what I asked. I told her not to worry, it won’t be long and we will all be together again. My Sons and I hugged one last time as I got ready to go; I told each and everyone of my family how much I love them as we said our good byes. For it was getting dark and my wife insisted we go. So I write this down for you my past self and for any who will read it. You can change the past; but just incase, hold on to the future don’t let it slip from your grasp.
Now, I will take the hand of my bride, we are going home………
Go to Another Point of View..........

Later my sons and I had some time alone and we talked. I told them about where I had been and all that I had done, they got a strange look on their face and I asked them why. Finely one of them spoke up, “Dad I hate to correct you but you already told us this story a long time ago. You wrote it down; don’t you remember?” I said; your mistaken I never wrote any thing like this before; because it just happened over the last three years. How could I have made up such a story…..I’m telling you, I never…..” Okay Dad, please don’t get upset we believe you. After all I could be mistaken because it was over forty years ago; towards the end of the first decade, I think.” They all seemed too agreed on this. “What year is it”; I asked. "2051" one of them answered. The year sounds about right; I thought to myself. “I must have done it”; I caught my self saying. “Done what?” They asked. But I did not respond, how I could explain. After all It must be alright now, I mean the lights are on, everything looks the same, some how……….

It was then another familiar face walk through the door, it was HOPE! She ran over to the bed and jumped up on it and gave me a big hug. I blurted out; “Hope your alright”. "I told you Gran-B, everything is alright now, you just had to come home.” She said, with a big smile on her face. “It sure is and you were right, you were right.” I said; as I kissed her on her cheek. The rest of the day she never left my side. She stayed with me as each of my grand children and all my family and I visited. And of coarse there was plenty of food and we ate, boy did we eat (food is so much better when it’s not in a can).
This had to be the best day ever, but I felt it was coming to an end. Because my wife was motioning to me it was time to go. I did not understand why we had to leave such a fine party, but she held out her hand and I will follow her

I whispered in Hopes ear and told her I had to go (if I’m not mistaken I think I saw a tear in her eye). I asked her to do one last thing for me; she nodded her head as I gave her my instructions. She said she understood and would do what I asked. I told her not to worry, it won’t be long and we will all be together again. My Sons and I hugged one last time as I got ready to go; I told each and everyone of my family how much I love them as we said our good byes. For it was getting dark and my wife insisted we go. So I write this down for you my past self and for any who will read it. You can change the past; but just incase, hold on to the future don’t let it slip from your grasp.
Now, I will take the hand of my bride, we are going home………
Go to Another Point of View..........
Day 1110
I chose to walk the path by the lake to the house, I don’t think I could bear to walk that road or look down it. The lake has risen quite a bit, with no
one to work the dam I guess the water is backed up. The abandon boats at the dock have not moved nor have they sunk, so I guess no storms have upset them (except for that one that washed ashore). The water has reached all the way up to the shop; I guess I should have not built it so close to the lake. But it was such a nice view, I could not resist. It has been so many years since I used any of the
power tools, there all rusted now (and of coarse the water and dampness did not help). I use to enjoy building stuff out here but that was long ago, when the power went out I did nothing out there but repair work on ours and the kid’s stuff, what little I could do with hand tools. If all the other had not happen I’m sure I could have adapted to making things with out the aid of electricity, but the point soon became moot.
As I walked around the house before I went in I looked down the road. I can still see them as if it was yesterday. My sons disappearing out of site as they walked out into the unknown. It was their idea, something they wanted to
do for their mom. It was supposed to be a present for her, but she was afraid for them; we all were. But they insisted; so the day came and they said good bye too their wives and children and left to find out what happen to their brother. It was the most unselfish act I have ever witness. I promised them I would keep their families safe, but it would be a promise I would fail to keep. They walked down that road and we never saw them again……
Months crawled by and we waited. Then a year passed, we still had hope. But into the next year, hope was hard to hold on to, that’s when we were invaded. We tired to keep a low profile out in the country by the lake. I told the older ones and the teenagers to be careful going into town. But they became naive and trusting and would not listen to the old man or their mothers. One day they brought a family back from town, a man, his wife and their three children. They were hungry and we had enough to share. The kids were just trying to do they right thing, how were they to know how sick that family was. The jump took everyone I loved in less than three months and I was all alone. My wife was the last to go, she should have never had to see all her family die, she did not deserve that. Like always though, she gave all she had until the end. The most Christ like person I ever knew, I miss her more with every day that passes.
When I walked west that first year, I looked through out north Mississippi for my son’s. I walked the path I thought they might have taken. I walked all the way to my Sons house; no on was there. It looked as if they pack up and left. Maybe the two boys made it and they were all on their way back. I thought for awhile I might find them one day when I walked the south…..but I never did. Then it got were I just avoided going through north Mississippi…..maybe part of me did not want to know. It looks as if they never made it back home, so maybe they never knew I let them down.
I sit alone in this empty house as I write my final words. Now I will wait; my head has gotten much worst and it is hard to stop the bleeding. I feel very weak and those last miles home I thought at any moment would be my last. I have had a lot of time to think these last few years all alone, some might say I thought too much about stuff. But what else did I have to do. If I could sum it
all up it would be this. As human beings we kept looking for the big bad, the monster over the hill, the Antichrist the one that would destroy us all so we could point a finger and say there is the reason, he’s the one to blame. And if all else failed we blamed God, the buck always stopped with Him. But the truth was we were to blame, we were the Antichrist, we turned our backs and continued down our selfish road to destruction, completely opposite of what Christ taught. We failed to look in the mirror at the real monster. Christ came and lived the most unselfish life and then his final act was to give this life for us all. This was our example, this was GOD. But we were too blind to see, to blinded by this world to worry about the next. To blind to have faith, the key to the door home. Our blindness led to our own destruction. I spent most of my life standing on the promise of faith. I was not a very good man, but I was forgiven; because I asked. It did not exclude me from a life of hell at times, but my time was short here compared to the eternity that awaits. So…I….look…forward…too…….I…….loo……forw………t………….
Go to End of Days

As I walked around the house before I went in I looked down the road. I can still see them as if it was yesterday. My sons disappearing out of site as they walked out into the unknown. It was their idea, something they wanted to

Months crawled by and we waited. Then a year passed, we still had hope. But into the next year, hope was hard to hold on to, that’s when we were invaded. We tired to keep a low profile out in the country by the lake. I told the older ones and the teenagers to be careful going into town. But they became naive and trusting and would not listen to the old man or their mothers. One day they brought a family back from town, a man, his wife and their three children. They were hungry and we had enough to share. The kids were just trying to do they right thing, how were they to know how sick that family was. The jump took everyone I loved in less than three months and I was all alone. My wife was the last to go, she should have never had to see all her family die, she did not deserve that. Like always though, she gave all she had until the end. The most Christ like person I ever knew, I miss her more with every day that passes.
When I walked west that first year, I looked through out north Mississippi for my son’s. I walked the path I thought they might have taken. I walked all the way to my Sons house; no on was there. It looked as if they pack up and left. Maybe the two boys made it and they were all on their way back. I thought for awhile I might find them one day when I walked the south…..but I never did. Then it got were I just avoided going through north Mississippi…..maybe part of me did not want to know. It looks as if they never made it back home, so maybe they never knew I let them down.
I sit alone in this empty house as I write my final words. Now I will wait; my head has gotten much worst and it is hard to stop the bleeding. I feel very weak and those last miles home I thought at any moment would be my last. I have had a lot of time to think these last few years all alone, some might say I thought too much about stuff. But what else did I have to do. If I could sum it

Go to End of Days
Day 1103
I have lost several days; I have nothing left, no food, no shelter and no protection. Some how (as I was writing the other night) someone came up
behind me and knocked me out. They took everything and left me with nothing but the cloths on my back. I woke up in a field about one hundred yards off I-75 with the sun in my face. I don’t know how long but at best guess it was at least three days. There must have still been people in Chattanooga; I underestimated them, my closeness to the town and danger. There is no way I can go back and recover my rifle or anything else; I would not know were to begin. The rifle had a lot of sentimental value to me; it is one of the few ties to my family, my brother that I had left. My walking stick was the same, it has been in my hand as I walked through out the years with my family; I need it now most of all to steady me these last miles home. If I make it.
I had about 70 miles left on my journey home. I have walked the past few days at a very slow pace, looking for enough supplies to get me home. My head is still bleeding and the beating I took left me limping. I don’t know what satisfaction they got from beating up on an old man, but it has left me very sore. How I survived, I don’t understand. With all that I have been through I should have been dead long ago. It is like a cruel joke; how could an old man out live all his family and be left complete
ly alone? My family; I let my son’s down, I let my wife down…..maybe a knock in the head is what I deserve for writing down all those buried memories.
Here I sit in another old abandon store, I should be gathering up supplies, but instead I am writing on this old spiral noteboo
k like I’m writing a letter to someone. I started out writing all this to my past self. I have left these notes all over the country like bread crumbs of my past life. I can’t explain why, I can’t see what good it does, but yet I keep on writing. Am I insane, or have I been dead these last three years and this is my hell. I’m tired of all these questions, I will sleep now and tomorrow I will walk some more what other choice do I have….
Go to Day 1110

I had about 70 miles left on my journey home. I have walked the past few days at a very slow pace, looking for enough supplies to get me home. My head is still bleeding and the beating I took left me limping. I don’t know what satisfaction they got from beating up on an old man, but it has left me very sore. How I survived, I don’t understand. With all that I have been through I should have been dead long ago. It is like a cruel joke; how could an old man out live all his family and be left complete

Here I sit in another old abandon store, I should be gathering up supplies, but instead I am writing on this old spiral noteboo

Go to Day 1110
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