I woke up under a pile of leaves, limbs and brush. My head aching and blood from my head was all over my shirt. Once I came to my senses I realized Hope was gone. The tent had been broken down and tossed in the brush along with my backpack; the whole camp had been covered up so it looked as if no one had been there. My rifle is gone, but most everything else in the backpack is still there, including the pistol I had sewed in the lining, for back up. Now is one of those times it will be needed. I can only conclude that the people we stayed with the other night have come and taken Hope and left me for dead, I’m just lucky they did not use the rifle to finish me.
I spent the rest of the day backtracking to where we had stayed the night before. I was dizzy and wobbly on my feet, but I had to try and get Hope back. My life is worthless to me, always has been, but I will fight for my family. Through the years I have battle countless demons in prayer and in the latter year’s even people at gun point for the sake of my family. No one threatens my family that in turn does not bring rage from me. I have known her for less the two weeks, but that little girl is my family now and I will get her back or die trying.
I arrived back at the little settlement as everyone was bedding down. I crept around the houses undetected looking for any sign of Hope, there was none. I finely went to Bankers house and snuck in and found his bedroom. His snoring kept him from hearing the floor cre

ek as I knelt by his bed. But he heard the sound of the hammer as I pulled it back on the pistol next to his temple. When his eyes focused on me, I asked: where is my Granddaughter? He spent the next few minutes stuttering and trying to convince me he did not know what I was talking about. I don’t know why, but I believed him. He lit a few lamps as we talked. He told me he had seen nothing unusual the last two days since we left. And he has not seen Hope, which means I have wasted a day getting back here. I told him all about what happen and he insisted he would do what ever he had to, to help.
After getting dres

sed he went out side and he rang a big dinner type bell that hung on a post, he said they used for emergencies. Everyone in the community woke up and came running and assembled in front of Bankers house. After Banker to

ld everyone what had happen, there was genuine outrage among the group. Then it was discovered that the women that kept trying to talk to Hope was not among them. In fact no one has seen her or her boy friend the last few days. One said he was told they were going on a hunting trip. But Banker said that was impossible because he kept all the guns at his house and only issued them out when they were being used for hunting, and he has given no guns out to anyone.
It is the wee

hours of the morning now as I write this; all I can think of is Hope and how she watched with those big innocent eyes as I wrote like this just the other night. Banker and his people are getting things ready to send search parties out in all directions, he and his people have vowed to help me find her; they are good people. I found out that the woman has only been livening here for about six months and has drawn the admiration of one of the younger men, who followed her around like a puppy doing any thing she asked. Banker and some of his group have bicycles and few have hoarse. I have decided to try going back to the camp where we were and see if I can find a trail from there, I think that is my best bet. If they did not come

back here then they are heading off on their own and would have kept going in the best direction away from this place. At least I pray I’m right. Banker and I are taking bicycles, it should not take us long to get back to the camp.
It is almost dawn…….what is Hope seeing now? I wonder, is she okay? Please God let her be okay………
Go to Day 1033