I am outside of Springfield IL right now it is late at night as I write this by fire light outside the tent while it is quite. I wanted to get down the events of the last few days before I forget. I was walking down I-55 headed towards Springfield going through a little community known as Williamsville (it caught my eye for obvious reasons). When I heard a rustling in the tall grass off the highway. I thought it was an animal (a rather large one from the sound of it), so I pulled out my rifle and stood still. It was coming towards me what ever it was and I thought that strange because most animals would have pick up my sent by now and ran. Suddenly out of the tall grass appeared this little girl, she look to be about five or six years old. She saw me but was not surprised by me at all, because she headed straight for me in a run. I was so shock I did not know what to do and before I knew it she was hugging my leg. She was crying and shuddering at the same time. Still in shock I put my rifle up and tried to kneel down towards her, but she would not let go of the death grip on my leg. Finley after some time of patting her on the back in a comforting way trying to stop her from crying, she let go a little and I knelt down beside her. I ask her, her name, but she said nothing. I pulled my sweat towel from my belt (a small towel I carry to wipe the sweat from my brow at times) and slowly gently tried to wipe the tears and dirt from her face.
She is

I pitched my tent out side of the house and made her a pallet inside out of some bed sheets I found in the house. I could not bear to sleep in that house and the little girl had been in it too long anyway. I guessed she saw me from the house as I was walking down the road and ran out to meet me. I woke up the next morning to find that during the night she had gotten right under me and slept with her arm around my leg all night. Bless her hart I’m a smelly old man, I don’t know how she stood it, but she stayed in that house for a week, so I guess I don’t smell as bad as that. After we ate (she seemed quite happy to be eating like it was something she had not done in a long time); I spent that day digging a grave. I had prayed once that I would never have to dig another one, but sometimes prayers go unanswered (or at least not answered in a way we can understand). I wrapped up the woman and baby and placed them in the grave. The little girl never left my side the whole time

We walk the next few days on towards Springfield, she has stayed right by my side; she has not shed another tear. We did not walk that much, the going has been slow together; she has still not said one word. I hear her steady breathing in the tent as she sleeps, she likes for me to leave the flash light on, (I hope that old crank flash light does not wear out). The world is quite for her now, and her sleep is peacfull. I can only wonder about what happen, where the mother, baby and this little one came from. Where is the father, was there a father or was that poor woman a product of survival, was she prostituting her self out for food and a place to live? I have seen it before; men can still be animal’s, predators even now after all that has happened. This little girl was born after the dar

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