“See Rock City”….. A

s a boy I saw these signs all over the south. Painted on barn roofs, bill boards and

even bird houses. I remember as a child holding my mothers hand as we climbed up the mountain where you can see seven states (not that I would know if I could have seen them). I’m in Chattanooga, the end of Tennessee and the beginning of north Georgia and the foot hills of the smoky mountains. A beautiful area, now a waist land. The land is still the same, the town is a wreck. It looks as if a wide spread panic took place in this mid size city and war broke out, I have not seen it this bad since Chicago. Burned houses, turn over cars; kind of reminds me of some of the stories the boys told about Atlanta, that is why I never went into the big cities unless I just had no other choice.
Our Sons said they had a real struggle staying alive as they made their way through the suburbs of Atlanta. When the Screams started, panic swept everyone, and it brought out the primal instincts in those that are border lin

e civilized. Even though most of my family listen to my ratings about the implants and did not receive them, they now had to face the darker side of humanity. My sons were not ones to hunt or fish and even though I love the outdoors, I did not see the point in killing game that no one would eat, so I got away from it. Hence they had no guns to defend themselves when all went to hell. So they stayed low and kept there heads down as they searched for each other before they came to us. The stories they told of how people (once they realized what was causing the sudden death of so many) would try and cut the implants out of themselves before they went vira

l. Hospitals turn into war zones (some still had power due to emergency generators) and people tried to siege them and hold doctors at gun point forcing them to take out the RFID. But when the Doctors started dropping dead, it was too late. A human being is smart and can be reason with; a mob of people will do very stupid things when they see no hope. And so for the second time in its history, Atlanta was set on fire and burned (there was no one to stop it from spreading, no firemen, no emergency response). After my sons told me this, I never wanted to see the city again.
In the time that followed after the fall, our life’s changed. I will not be so bold as to sa

y for the better, but some of the changes were nice. I now saw teenagers playing outside, making up games. Little girls playing with dolls, instead of keeping up gossip with their friends on a text device. People talking instead of staring at a TV (like I use to do). Or reading as they sit under a tree while the breeze keeps them cool instead of indoor air conditioning. Cores replaced work; everyone pitched in and did their part. My sons (who worked indoors all their lives) and I now walk through the woods and hunted, but most of all, we talked. Life had become simple again and even though it was forced on us and we would have never done it on our own, that part was a pleasant change. I began to realize, that our life before was a trap.
A trap caused by simple lust, we could never have enough we always lusted for more, more conveniences, more stuff. When you say lust, people always think of se

x and sin. But lust is the desire for something you don’t have but want. And our society had gotten to the point, that there was never enough to satisfy, there was always the demand for more. And when you want all the time it leads to greed, and greed corrupts. We were trapped slaves to lust. Some times less is more, I have heard the statement all my life, now it made perfect since.
A year and a half had passed since the day of the reunion. We had survived and were learning more about surviving and living off the land. Wounds and hurts were beginni

ng to heal and we had come to the point of accepting our new way of life. But when we would gather around for our family meal at night and a prayer was offered up, a lump would come in our throats as each member of our other sons family was mention and prayed for by name (by whoever’s turn it was to pray that night). All we wanted was to know what happened and are they safe. Then one day my sons came to me with an idea…………
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