I hate going to the store, but it’s an errand I must make, she needs something

for her headache and we are out of pain relievers at the house. People have no manners once they get behind the wheel of a car. I am sick and tired of being run over, all these people need to learn to be a little more courteous. Look at those two talking on their cell phones as the walk together instead of just enjoying talking to each other. I can’t help noticing driving by the houses no kids play outside any more. I remember when I was a boy all you had to do was step out side and there were kids all over the neighborh

ood to play with. In fact if you did not come out side they were at your door beckoning for you to come out and play. Now all youth are in their houses attached to a computer or involved in latest sim system. Finding a place to park at these big stores is impossible. This store is too crowded for me; I have to hurry and get what I came for so I can get out of here. To many people all walking around like train apes, going with the flow, wearing what ever is popular or in at the moment. Conformity , no one is an individual, all go to jobs, pay money f

or comforts and live in their self absorbed life’s. Who set this system of insanity up? Your born, go to school learn to conform, be alike don’t be different, learn to work, no time for play. Play does not pay; you’re a loser if you don’t make money, pay your way. All these people walking, talking, doing the same thing there fathers and mothers did before them. When will it STOP, I want to scream out, WHEN WILL IT STOP!!!!
The scene melts before me; I am standing in an empty store. Racks of cloths are turned over, boxes are strewn about, and it’s completely dark in here except for the light from the broken front windows. Animal droppings on the floor indicate that wildlife has been in h

ere as well to pick clean the food left over. Like an acid flash back, for a moment I was back in time and all those old feelings about an over crowded rude world, came rushing in on me. I have often been plague with flash backs of embarrassing moments or bad memoirs, things I wish I could forget. But they haunt me like a specter keeping me accountable all the time, the ghost of past sins. But this time was not about my past sins, more about the sins of past generations. It was a weird trip, almost real. I look around me and wish I could be bumped rudely by another person or had a long check out line to fuss about. I sigh and get back to the business at hand.
I have been sent on a mission to find drugs. Any kind of pain medication that may still be left behind in this store. The settlement has ran out and I and a few other were sent off in different directions to the first stores we could find that had not been picked clean. I walked most of yesterday and found this store this morning. One of those big chain combo stores with food, drugstore and everything else under one roof. There is still some meds left and I will fill up my bag and be on my way. I wanted to stop and rest and write for a moment in the new spiral notebook I found.
There is sickness in paradise and it is spreading. The boy and woman that came in last week are getting worst and I will be surprise if he is still alive when I get back. It is some kin

d of intestinal thing I have never seen befor

e. He has a high fever and is passing blood so he must be bleeding on the inside of his intestines. The woman said it was why they left the city, to many sick people. What she described has to be the same thing they have, but she did not know what it was called or what causes it. Just that when people died they were in horrible pain. I know one thing it is contagious. I left Hope behind even though she protested,
but I had to travel light and quick. Since I am use to walking long distances I figured I could cover more ground and get back soon. I fear for Hope and I think as much as I

wanted to stay the winter there, when I get back we will pack up and leave. The weather has gotten cooler and I know it is the fall of the year because I see a hint of brown on the leaves. My thoughts are to head south. We will winter in the first house I feel is far enough south and I will take her to the Amish next spring. After this last chore, I don’t know what else I could do for these people, they helped me, so I’m returning the favor. But now I feel we must be on our way. I fear paradise will be lost, to this disease.
Go to Day 1053