We have walked down I-24 towards Nashville Tennessee; I am going to attempt to find the Natchez trace parkway. We will cut across to I-40 on a back road known as 48 then to 46 which will cross I-40, this should put us near the trace.
The Natchez Trace use to be a very

desolate road, preserved by the park service there are no stores or gas stations any where along it’s long twisting trek through two states. So we will have to stock up on supplies before we embark on it. I feel it is the quickest way to Pontotoc.
This last week has been a wet one, it rained for two solid days. In my eagerness to get further south we walked on and Hope got very wet and tired. So we are hold up in the town of Clarksville in an abandon house. We have seen a few people in this town but none have spoken to us, they see us from a distance, turn and walk away, very odd. The stores have been picked clean but we have managed to find enough to eat. The clouds look as if they are breaking up so we may head out tomorrow. Hope is not acting herself, so I want to make sure she is well rested.
I have seen my share of people on my journeys and it always seems strange how they nearly always come toge

ther in to a group or live in towns after all that has happened. Me; I like being on my own, but for the most part people tend to run in packs. Void of government you wonder how order is maintained and sometimes it maybe kayos but even it that there is order. Maybe this world would have been better off long ago if we had done away with government and relied on
spontaneous order. People feel the need to be led I guess but I have always enjoyed walking a different path. As I look around at the world today I wonder what it would be like if we had not had a governmental system ruling us all? Would things be different now? Could they be any worst?
Men have always strived to conquer, to control, to lead, to build a bigger better kingdom only to see it fall. History has recorded they all fall no matter how big, rich or great there is always a great fall. Our arrogance in this nation caused most of our troubles. We set up a system of selfish greed. No one could have enough we all had to have more. We lived in our comfort blinded to the pain and suffering of the world around us. We set back and let the government solve the big problem and shook our fist in anger when it did not turn out the way we thought it should. Life’s of comfort became a right in our eyes instead of the privilege it was. So we let pe

ople we “supposedly elected” make all the choices for our welfare and we blindly let them until it was too late. Maybe it would have been different if
spontaneous o
rder took control as it does in nature. Birds migrate, wolfs run in packs, fish swim in schools, it was all set up to succeed if only man was not led by sin he could have lived with the world and not on it.
Enough of my two cents, night is falling and Hope is hungry. I found some oatmeal that said it was minute oatmeal; that would be

great if I had a Microwave and an outlet that worked. Minute oatmeal, we could not even wait to boil water, had to have everything quick. Something’s are worth the wait, it fact rushing through life cause

s you to forget the journey; I found that out walking a once Great Nation. Long cooked oatmeal will warm up a little girls belly tonight; it will be worth the wait.
Go to Day 1064